Managing electricity, heating and water can make a big impact on your school's energy use. Saving energy can also help your school get a green flag under the Green-Schools programme.

Tip 1

Pull the plug - turn off equipment around the school

Turn off computers, screens and other electronic equipment at the end of every school day. It's also best to turn off screens between classes, at break time, and at lunch-time.

Tip 2

Make the most of daylight for lighting

Open window blinds to maximise natural light. When daylight is bright enough, you can use it in place of classroom lighting.

Swap out all older bulbs for LED lighting. LED bulbs reduce energy consumption by about 75%.

Tip 3

Be especially sure to switch off before holidays start

Make sure you switch off computers, screens, water boilers for hot drinks and other electronic equipment before holidays and long weekends.

Tip 4

Use time clocks to switch off automatically

Using time clocks (or time switches) to manage electrical equipment is a great way to reduce energy use. Plug-in 7 day time clocks can be used to automatically switch off relevant equipment outside of school hours.

Tip 5

Be clever with heating and cooling classrooms

Avoid opening windows when the classroom is too hot. Instead, you should always turn down the thermostat. For classes outside regular hours (night classes), try to arrange them in one heating block so that other areas of the building can use less heating.

Tip 6

Stay in the know by reading energy meters

Read your energy meters regularly to track your energy use. Monitoring your usage will encourage you to reduce energy consumption.

Tip 7

Get the best from your electricity tariffs

Larger schools may be paying a Maximum Demand Tariff. Speak to your provider, you may be able to reduce this charge at no cost.

Tip 8

Conserve water, don't let it all go down the drain

Conserve water wherever possible in washrooms across the school. Switch off urinals during the holidays and long weekends and ensure that leaky taps are fixed.

Tip 9

Invest in insulation and keep the heat in

Fill wall cavities with insulation and increase attic insulation to 300 mm deep.

Full guide

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Top 10 tips for saving energy at school